在加拿大最多人說的五種語言 Top 5 most spoken languages in Canada

在加拿大最多人說的語言(Top5) 加拿大位於北美洲北部,是一個移民國家,多族共融,充斥着不同的語言。今天我們分享一下在加拿大最多人說的頭五種語言。

第一位 英語 加拿大某些地區曾經是英國的殖民地,所以英語在加拿大是其中一種官方語言,亦是現時加國社會內最常用的語言(除了魁北克省)。全國內有多於85%人口說英語。

第二位 法語 雖然在加拿大只有30%人懂得法語,但法語在加國內卻是一種舉足輕重的語言,亦是另一種官方語言。特別在魁北克省,95%以上的人都會說法語。

第三位 普通話 根據上一屆官方人口普查(2016年),普通話是英法以外最多人說的語言,排名是近十年才爬上來的。

第四位 粵語 粵語又名廣東話,曾是加拿大華人圈內最多人用的語言,在上一屆官方人口普查報告中,排名僅次於普通話。

第五位 旁遮普語 旁遮普語是印度的其中一種語言,早在2011年人口普查時已是非官方語言的頭三位,排名維持至今。 加拿大是一個很特別的地方,它實行英法雙語政策。在某些機構或政府部門應聘工作,英語和法語,缺一不可。

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Located in North America, Canada has a large population made of up immigrants. This beautiful country is fused with multitude of languages and races. Today, let’s us look at the top five languages spoken in Canada!

1. English It is no surprise that English is the most widely spoken language in Canada, in indeed it is one of the two official languages used here. Part of Canada used to be a British colony, we can find traces of British history in Canada easily.. Currently, there is more than 85% of the people speak English in Canada.

2. French French is an important language in Canada, even though there is only 30% of the total population speak this language. French is another official language of Canada and it is the only official language in Quebec. In fact, more than 95% of the Quebec population speaks French!

3. Mandarin According to the 2016 census, Mandarin is the most widely spoken language in Canada other than French and English.

4. Cantonese Cantonese used to be the most popular language spoken in the Chinese community. According to the 2016 census report, it ranks closely after Mandarin.

5. Punjabi Punjabi is one of the languages spoken in India. In 2011 census, it ranked as one of the top three non-official languages used in Canada. Canada is a bilingual country. You need to be fluent in both English and French if you would like to apply for certain government positions. Learning a new language always gives us an additional competitive edge in life! Vocabulary is an indispensable part of learning a foreign language.

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