然後⋯⋯經歷將近一年的埋頭苦幹,他們⋯⋯也就是我們終於鼓足勇氣向大家介紹Cardoze。 Cardoze簡單易懂,巧用單字卡(Flashcard)、遊戲和間隔重複法,助你有系統地深化記憶,繼而掌握新語言。它提供了廣東話、普通話、英語、法語、西班牙語及日語六種語言教材。無論在手機上,還是電腦上均能使用。

你沒有看錯,Cardoze包含了廣東話。我們都很珍惜香港人的母語,眼見近年越來越多人移民,下一代接觸廣東話的機會便越來越少,因此我們渴望為保存母語作一點貢獻。 Cardoze暫時仍在試用階段,希望各位在使用的同時,能與我們分享你的用後感,讓我們不斷改善,不斷進步。而在這裡,我們除了會逐步介紹Cardoze的功能,也會與大家分享很多學習語言的小技巧和加拿大的生活資訊,日後還請大家多多指教。
Hello! We are a team of Hong Kongers.
We are very excited to introduce a NEW and FREE language learning tool to everyone – Cardoze.
Before getting into details, we would like to share a small story with you. A group of Hong kongers arrived Canada sometime ago, where we started to learn a new language. This language learning journey is not easy for working adults – they have to learn new grammar rules, memorize new words everyday. Perhaps their way of learning was not right or they didn’t pick the right learning tool, they just could not remember those new words easily. In the end, this group of Hong Kongers decided to leverage their IT knowledge and developed an efficient language learning tool. It aims to help everyone who struggles in acquiring a foreign language.
After almost a year of hardwork – finally we are proud to introduce Cardoze! Cardoze is easy to use. We make use of flashcards, games and spaced repetition to help you master a new language by strengthening your memory. Cardoze supports Cantonese, Mandarin, English, French, Spanish and Japanese. It can be used on both mobile and desktop devices.
That’s right – we support CANTONESE! It’s because Cantonese is our mother language, we treasure our roots. Moving aboard is a new trend in Hong Kong, which means that it could be difficult for our next generation to have Cantonese exposure. Thus, we would like to take a little step to protect our Cantonese language. Cardoze is still at the beta stage, we hope that everyone could share your feedback after using it. This could help us further improve and enhance the app features. In addition to introducing the functions and features of Cardoze, we will also share some tips of language acquisition and information about living in Canada.
Please refer to the link below for details about downloading Cardoze.