單字的重要性 The importance of memorizing vocabs

學習外語常會聽到兩大範疇,文法 (Grammar) 和 單字 (Vocaburary),今天想介紹一下單字的重要性。並非文法不重要,只是今天想集中了解單字有多重要。

學好外語非一朝一夕可以達成。學習文法和單字兩方面,文法要靠釐清概念和多多使用來熟習規則,而單字則需要長時間練習和背誦才能記住。 語言分表達和理解,表達可透過說話和書寫;理解可透過聆聽和閱讀。 如果認識的單字很貧乏,說話和書寫時會比較單調,甚至會詞不達意。 單字庫存不足也會影響聆聽和閱讀時,有看不懂和聽不明的情況。

所以,我們每天要花點時間,有系統地累積所需要的單字。當腦海中的單字庫存夠滿,溝通時便可隨心所欲地表達;書寫出來的內容也會變得豐富精彩;在閱讀時亦較少依賴字典,Google翻譯。 用武俠世界打個比喻 ,文法是一種武功招式,單字是長年累月修練的內力。只懂招式沒有內力,使出來的武功威力很有限。

但如果有強大內力配合,招式可以千變萬化,威力倍增。 可惜,現實學習過程沒有人和人傳功或吃丹藥去提升內力,只能靠自己日復日,年復年去修練自己的單字。

The importance of memorizing vocabs in language learning journey. Grammar and vocabulary are the two main aspects of language learning. It’s important to have.a large vocabulary if you would like to master a foreign language.

We cannot master a foreign language overnight. Language is made up of many words. It is impossible to communicate without sufficient vocabulary. A large vocabulary supports the development of four linguistic skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening. In addition, it also helps you learn through the context if you have a wide vocabulary.

Learning new words is by no means an easy task in the language learning journey. It is especially difficult for beginner and intermediate learners. Therefore, we have to use a systematic approach to learn and memorize the new words. This helps us acquire the target language effectively.


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