今天我們會推介圖像記憶的技巧去記單字。 記憶由腦部負責。腦部分右腦和左腦,左腦屬於管控說話、閱讀、書寫、文字。右腦管創造,視覺,想像,圖畫。我們習慣用左腦背單字,總是用抄寫或誦默的方式來死記硬背,耗時很長效果亦很一般。如果背單字時,有圖像配合刺激視覺,找來右腦一起加強記憶,記起來可事半工倍。
想有效背單字,歡迎試用Cardoze。Cardoze融入了圖像記憶法,善用單字卡(Flashcard)助你有系統地深化記憶。 www.cardozeapp.com
Are you struggling to remember the new words when learning a language?
Let’s look into how visualization helps us remember information, such as words, that has been read. Our brain is divided into two hemispheres. The left brain is in charge of speaking, reading, writing and words; while the right brain handles creativity, imagination and drawing. We tend to use our left brains to memorize new words.
Copying or chanting are some cmmon techniques used to memorize new words by rote. However, these methods are time consuming and yet do not produce very outstanding results. On the other hand, we can make use of an excellent memory tool – images.
Prior research has shown that visual cues help us retrieve and retain information in a more efficient way. The memory is more profound if it is memorized via our mental imagery. Don’t stress if you are not a designer or artist and don’t have special talent in memory, sometimes boring or absurd images are even more effective in retaining the information.
Let’s try Cardoze today. Cardoze has integrated images in the app to help you memorize new words easily. Make use of our Flashcards to learn new words!