來加拿大必備的十種物品 Top 10 must-bring items



1. 個人藥物

2. 護照

3. 學生:學校錄取信及最終成績單、工作人士:公司錄取信及以往工作證明

4. Study Permit、Work Permit或CoPR

5. 疫苗護照和以往的疫苗注射記錄

6. 如有各種公證正本,如:結婚證明、出世紙、成績單、學位證明書等(結婚證明、出世紙建議預備兩份正本以備不時之需)

7. 現金(一萬加幣以下)、信用卡及提款卡 – 臨離開香港前建議確認已開通海外提款、刷卡等服務

8. 轉插

9. 香港及國際駕駛執照

10. 報關清單

It is exciting but yet troublesome to pack your belongings prior moving to Canada. Canada has a sizeable Asian population and thus it is not difficult to find popular Asian food, snacks or other living necessities here. It is also not difficult to find the equivalent products even if you cannot find the exact same one. However, there are still some items that you must bring along and you may find our suggested top ten must-bring items as below:

1. Personal medication

2. Passport

3. School admission letter or company offer letter and Exam results for students; company offer letter and past employment verification letters for work permit holders

4. Study permit, work permit or CoPR letter

5. Vaccination passport (if applicable) and past vaccination record

6. Originals of various official documents (e.g. Marriage certificate, public exam results, birth certificate, etc.) – suggest to bring at least two original copies if available

7. Cash (less than 10,000 CAD), credit card and ATM cards – remember to activate overseas withdrawal service

8. Adaptors

9. International driver permit and Hong Kong (or home country) driver license

10. Custom declaration list

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image source: pxhere.com and pixabay.com


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