學好外語的內在要素What is your motivation in learning a new language?

學好外語必先找出學習動機。想了解某國家的文化、移民、想結識外國異性、到外地升學或工作等,都是很好的理由。有了學習動機,便能確立目標,如在指定年期內考到語言試的某個等級、能用外語與當地人流暢溝通等。定立短期目標或長期目標都能推動你快速進步。學習的過程很漫長,以上千小時去計算,當中免不了洩氣和沮喪 ,只要持之以恆,抱住不放棄的心態去學習,總有一天能達成目標,加油!


What is your motivation in learning a new language? Is it for studying abroad? Or immigration? Or your love for a particular country’s culture? These are all good reasons for learning a second language. Setting a clear learning goal helps you stay focused and it’s important in keeping you engaged. You can set the goals based on your own preferences, for example, you could set a goal of achieving Band 7 in all sections of IELTS exam, passing N3 of JLPT, participating in a debate competition, or setting aside 15 minutes daily to review the vocabulary.Let’s work hard together to embark on the language learning journey.

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