我們常常聼到「小朋友學習語言比成年人快,成年人要學習新語言比較困難」? 其實這是關於學習外語一個很大的迷思。
有研究指出,美國的外交事務機構為將外派的員工提供密集語言訓練,只需720小時(每星期五日,每日六小時課堂),學員在西班牙語、法語、荷蘭語等語言中達到中高級水平。而對英語為母語的人來說,學中文、日語、阿拉伯或韓語相對較難,他們則需要2400至2700小時的學習時數才能達到中高水平(約80至92星期)。此外,傳教士到不同國家,每天在生活中自然學習當地語言,平均需要3000 – 4000小時就能達到該語言的中高水準。
我們再想想,小孩最起碼要用三年時間才能用基礎文法表達自己思想,所以小朋友學習語言並不是真的比成年人快啊! 在現實生活中,只要肯花時間,並有一個良好的語境,也能學好語言的。
People often say that learning a second language is easier for children, but is it true?
In fact, this is just a big misunderstanding.
Research points out that US foreign affairs committee provided intensive language training for their employees. With 720 hours (Five lessons per week, 6 hours per lesson), students reached an advanced level in Spanish, French, Dutch and other languages. For English native speakers, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic or Korean proved more difficult to learn. They had to spend 2400 to 2700 hours to reach an advanced level. (80 – 92 weeks). In addition, missionaries visited different countries and discovered that it takes 3000-4000, on average, hours to reach an advanced level of the language.
Children spend at least three years studying a new language to get to the point that they could explain themselves. The truth is : if you put enough effort into the study, with a language-rich environment, you can also learn a language like a child!