Year: 2023

加拿大的秋天之美 Celebrating Autumn’s Harvest in Canada

加拿大的秋天是一個令人陶醉的季節,滿地的楓樹葉漸變成各種美麗的色彩。在這個時節,我們可以學習一些與秋天相關的詞語,讓我們來看看十個詞語。 Autumn in Canada is a captivating season as the ground is covered with maple leaves in a mesmerizing array of colors. It’s the perfect time to learn some words associated with this enchanting season. Here are ten words that…

夏日的加拿大 July in Canada

七月的加拿大,是一個充滿活力的季節。這個時候,大自然盡展風采,陽光明媚,溫度宜人,草地上綻放著五顏六色的鮮花。 July in Canada is a vibrant and lively time of year. Nature is in full bloom with brilliant sunshine, pleasant temperatures, and colorful flowers carpeting the meadows. 人們紛紛湧向戶外,享受陽光,沐浴在湛藍的湖泊和河流中。加拿大的森林和國家公園成為了遠足和露營的理想之地,大家體驗大自然的美麗。 People flock to the outdoors, basking in the sun and immersing…

Cardozeapp 聯乘合作 兩隻香港人 Hongkonger Times Two

移民是近年熱門的話題,而移民到外地的家長,他們必定會顧慮到他們的小朋友會對說廣東話和閱讀中文會生疏了,什至乎擔心只懂英語。Cardozeapp 近期和【兩隻香港人 Hongkonger Times Two】合作,制作了22套廣東話字卡,當中是一些日常會常用的詞匯,繼續推廣廣東話文化,讓這種既獨特,又抵死的語言傳承落去。 Immigration is a popular topic in recent years, and parents who immigrate to other places may be concerned about their children losing fluency in speaking Cantonese and reading Chinese, and even fearing that they will…

三個關於雪的小知識 (Three lesser-known facts about snow)

在加拿大或英國的冬天,下雪很常見,小編今天想跟大家分享三個關於雪的小知識。 關於下雪天的詞庫已在Cardoze上架,是時候學習新詞彙啦! In Canada or the UK, snow is a common occurrence during the winter. Today, I would like to share three lesser-known facts about snow with you: The phrase “white as snow” is not entirely accurate, as snow…

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