- 「潔白如雪」是假的,因為雪不是白色的
肉眼看起來雪很白,其實它是半透明的,只是陽光的反射作用透明讓雪花看起來是白色。此外,在整個冬天,可能只有初雪時期才能看到白白的雪,其他時間都是灰啊,黃啊那樣的顏色,經過車來人往,白色都被污染了。所以有時候,雪看起來不是那麼浪漫喔。 - 下雪並非是最冷的
遠在香港的家人們,一聽到我們說今天下雪,就會溫馨提醒:「下雪一定很冷,要穿夠衣服呀!」其實單是下雪並不冷,但如果伴隨大風,寒風刺入骨髓,就會變得非常冷。所以在冬天,擋風的外套很必要。在冬天後期,如果出現猛烈的陽光,把地上的積雪溶化,整個環境隨即變成大冰箱,也會很冷很冷。故此,冬天看到大大的太陽也不一定是和暖呢。 - 狗狗喜歡雪
很多狗狗,如Samoyed、Alaskan Malamute自古主要生活在冰天雪地中,牠們看到雪都會特別興奮。而狗狗腳掌特殊的血液循環系統也令牠們腳掌的溫度不會過低,不像我們要穿雪靴,狗狗光著腳就可以在雪地肆意跑跳。許多疼愛狗狗的主人,即使天氣寒冷,雪地濕滑,仍然堅持每天帶牠們外出散步呢!
In Canada or the UK, snow is a common occurrence during the winter. Today, I would like to share three lesser-known facts about snow with you:
The phrase “white as snow” is not entirely accurate, as snow is not always white. With the naked eye, snow may appear white, but it is actually translucent. It only appears white due to the reflection of sunlight. Additionally, during the winter, only the early snowfall may appear truly white. As time passes, the snow may become grey or yellow as caused by traffic or pedestrians. So, sometimes snow may not look as picturesque as we imagine it to be.
Snowfall does not necessarily indicate extreme cold. When it snows in Canada, our family in hong kong would remind us to “wrap up warm”. However, snowfall alone does not necessarily render the cold weather. Strong winds, however, can make the cold penetrate into our bones and make it feel much colder. In the winter, a windproof jacket is essential. Additionally, in the late winter, when there is strong sunlight and the snow on the ground melts, the environment can become like a refrigerator, making it very cold. Therefore, the fact that the sun is out during the winter might not ensure a warm day will arrive.
Many dogs, such as Samoyed and Alaskan Malamute breeds, have lived in ice and snow for centuries and are excited to see it. Their paws have special blood circulation systems that keep them from getting too cold, unlike humans who need to wear snow boots. Many dog owners still take their furry companions out for walks despite the cold and slippery conditions.
The learning deck”The Snowy Day” is now available on Cardoze, it’s time to learn new words!
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