加拿大的6個蘋果品種 6 Popular Canadian apple varieties



  1. Royal Gala
  • 產地與產期: 十月至五月(BC),  十月至二月(ON及NB)
  • 體積: 小至中等
  • 味道: 爽脆, 甜, 微酸
  • 顏色: 橙黃色帶紅色
  1. Fuji
  • 產地與產期: 十月至十二月(BC),  九月至三月(ON及NB)
  • 體積: 中等至大
  • 味道: 非常甜
  • 顏色: 粉紅色
  1. Ambrosia
  • 產地與產期: 九月至三月(BC),  十月至三月(ON)
  • 體積: 大
  • 味道: 香甜多汁
  • 顏色: 雙色(亮粉色和奶油黄色)
  1. Honey Crisp
  • 產地與產期: 九月至三月(ON及NB)
  • 體積: 大
  • 味道: 多汁,微酸
  • 顏色: 深粉红色
  1. McIntosh 
  • 產地與產期: 九月至二月(BC),  九月至五月(ON及NB)
  • 體積: 中
  • 味道: 又甜又酸
  • 顏色: 綠色染上一片紅暈
  1. Granny Smith
  • 產地與產期: 十月至三月(BC)
  • 體積: 中等至大
  • 味道: 獨特的酸味
  • 顏色: 亮綠色

Apples are widely available in Canada throughout the year. They come in different sizes, colours, sweetness and textures. Below is a list of apple varieties that you may come across in supermarkets or grocery stores.

  1. Royal Gala
  • Available: Oct – May from BC, Oct – Feb from ON and NB
  • Size: Small to Medium
  • Taste: Crisp, sweet, sub-acid
  • Color: Red blush with yellow-orange background
  1. Fuji
  • Available: Oct – Dec from BC, Sept – Mar from ON and NB
  • Size: Medium to Large
  • Taste: Super sweet
  • Color: Pink
  1. Ambrosia
  • Available: Sept – May from BC, Oct – Mar from ON
  • Size: Large
  • Taste: Sweet, jucy, aromatic
  • Color: Bi-coloured (Bright pink and creamy yellow)
  1. Honey Crisp
  • Available: Sept – Mar from ON and NB
  • Size: Large
  • Taste: Juicy, sub-acid
  • Color: Deep pink
  1. McIntosh
  • Available: Nov – Jan from BC
  • Size: Small to medium
  • Taste: Slightly tart and distinctive
  • Color: Pink blush with green background
  1. Granny Smith
  • Available: Oct – Mar from BC
  • Size: Medium to Large
  • Taste: Distinctively tart
  • Color: Bright green





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