七月的加拿大,是一個充滿活力的季節。這個時候,大自然盡展風采,陽光明媚,溫度宜人,草地上綻放著五顏六色的鮮花。 July in Canada is a vibrant and lively time of year. Nature is in full bloom with brilliant sunshine, pleasant temperatures, and colorful flowers carpeting the meadows. 人們紛紛湧向戶外,享受陽光,沐浴在湛藍的湖泊和河流中。加拿大的森林和國家公園成為了遠足和露營的理想之地,大家體驗大自然的美麗。 People flock to the outdoors, basking in the sun and immersing…
Author: cardoze
科技迅速發展使國與國之間更親近,透過旅行,互聯網讓我們可以與世界各地的人做朋友。 想要認識新朋友的話,你的語言預備好了嗎? The rapid development of technology has brought individuals closer together. We can make friends with people around the globe via internet or travelling. Are you ready to make new friends using a new language? image source: pxhere.com
加拿大的楓葉是秋天的童話,滿地都染了紅色黃色,好美!Autumn is in full force now. Montreal has just unveiled its beautiful colours in Fall.
今天是加拿大的感恩節,一起來學習不同語言的「謝謝」,向身邊的人表達感恩之心吧!Today is Thanksgiving day in Canada.
Let’s learn how to say “thank you” in different languages and express our gratitude to our friends and family!
Cardoze提供了五種快捷的方法創建字卡,幾秒便可完成。 1. 輸入外語單字 2. 以字找字:輸入你的母語於字典搜尋單字 3. 掃描文字 4. 拍照:識別物件 5. 錄音:直接唸出單字 輸入單字後按「下一步」,圖片,字義,發音即時配對,非常方便 Cardoze provides five quick ways to create your own decks. It just takes a few seconds! 1. Input the word 2. Input the word in your mother language…
Cardoze是一個Web App,只要打開瀏覽器,連結上網,就可以開始使用。無須在Google Play 或Apple store下載,也不佔用手機的容量。不過,如果你想更快捷地啟動Cardoze,方便日後天天使用,可跟從以下步驟操作。 APP link: cardozeapp.com Cardoze is a Web App. You can access it through web browser without downloading it via Google Play or Apple Store. It does not take any memory space in your cell phone. However,…
Hello! We are a team of Hong Kongers.
We are very excited to introduce a NEW and FREE language learning tool to everyone – Cardoze.