香港人的平安夜,和西方的平安夜,有點不一樣。 香港的聖誕氣氛相當濃厚,大家會安排一連串的慶祝活動,如在外參加派對交換禮物、約親朋好友到餐廳大吃一頓、觀賞燈飾⋯⋯提到平安夜,作為港人必然心領神會是走遍大街小巷的狂歡夜。 然而,西方的傳統是與家人團聚,共享一頓平安夜大餐,一起遊戲、唱歌、講故事或交換禮物。就像華人在農歷新年初一、初二和冬至一樣,會把這一天留給家人。所以,喜歡在平安夜於街上狂歡的你,想約西方朋友一起玩真的有點難呢!
Category: Events
你可以用多少種語言跟世界說Hello? Can you say hello in different languages? How many languages? Image source:
11月11日是加拿大的公眾假期(除了 MB, NS, ON & QC) – 軍人紀念日。 11 Nov is Remembrance day, it is a statutory holiday in Canada (except Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Ontario and Quebec)
科技迅速發展使國與國之間更親近,透過旅行,互聯網讓我們可以與世界各地的人做朋友。 想要認識新朋友的話,你的語言預備好了嗎? The rapid development of technology has brought individuals closer together. We can make friends with people around the globe via internet or travelling. Are you ready to make new friends using a new language? image source:
重陽節有登高的風俗,所以重陽節又稱「登高節」。大家都喜歡在這天登高(行山), 有耐力和耐性才能愈攀愈高,學習語言也是一樣,大家一起加油! “Deng Ko” means hiking in Cantonese. Chung Yeung Festival is also known as “Deng Ko Festival” in Hong Kong, as it is a traditional custom to go hiking on this day. It takes determination and stamina to climb…
今天是加拿大的感恩節,一起來學習不同語言的「謝謝」,向身邊的人表達感恩之心吧!Today is Thanksgiving day in Canada.
Let’s learn how to say “thank you” in different languages and express our gratitude to our friends and family!