Category: Our App

Cardozeapp 聯乘合作 兩隻香港人 Hongkonger Times Two

移民是近年熱門的話題,而移民到外地的家長,他們必定會顧慮到他們的小朋友會對說廣東話和閱讀中文會生疏了,什至乎擔心只懂英語。Cardozeapp 近期和【兩隻香港人 Hongkonger Times Two】合作,制作了22套廣東話字卡,當中是一些日常會常用的詞匯,繼續推廣廣東話文化,讓這種既獨特,又抵死的語言傳承落去。 Immigration is a popular topic in recent years, and parents who immigrate to other places may be concerned about their children losing fluency in speaking Cantonese and reading Chinese, and even fearing that they will…

如何創建字卡?How to create card?

Cardoze提供了五種快捷的方法創建字卡,幾秒便可完成。 1. 輸入外語單字 2. 以字找字:輸入你的母語於字典搜尋單字 3. 掃描文字 4. 拍照:識別物件 5. 錄音:直接唸出單字 輸入單字後按「下一步」,圖片,字義,發音即時配對,非常方便 Cardoze provides five quick ways to create your own decks. It just takes a few seconds! 1. Input the word 2. Input the word in your mother language…

如何下載Cardoze? How to download Cardoze?

Cardoze是一個Web App,只要打開瀏覽器,連結上網,就可以開始使用。無須在Google Play 或Apple store下載,也不佔用手機的容量。不過,如果你想更快捷地啟動Cardoze,方便日後天天使用,可跟從以下步驟操作。 APP link: Cardoze is a Web App. You can access it through web browser without downloading it via Google Play or Apple Store. It does not take any memory space in your cell phone. However,…

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